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Friday, November 4, 2016

Getting the Election Results Early

For John, BLUFI admit that I would have dummied this up early, with the real numbers to be added on Tuesday evening.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

From Nation of Change
The premature results appeared on NBC affiliate WRCB in Chattanooga, Tennessee, but were stored on the servers of a widely used news content management platform.
Here is the lede is this 4 November story filed by a Whitney Webb:
A NBC affiliate in Chattanooga, Tennessee inadvertently published what appears to be election night results.  The results are published in the typical format used by mainstream news networks and display Presidential and Congressional results, the popular vote count, electoral votes, and percentage of precincts reporting in.  The page was taken down soon after, but is available via the internet archive.  The results of the Presidential contest name Hillary Clinton the winner with 41.7 million votes or 42% of the total.  Trump, on the other hand, received 40.1 million votes or 40%. The results also gave Gary Johnson 8% while Jill Stein received 5%.
The results would have the Green Party picking up Federal funding in 2020.

Here is the insight on the Server in question.

These media companies use the platform, also known as Frankly, to power their news content.
Ah, those nasty Servers.

All that said, if these numbers match those on Tuesday evening, then we should be very chary of the results.

Regards  —  Cliff


Unknown said...

election results 2016 On Nov. 8, millions of Americans will be glued to their TVs to see:
election results 2016 the outcome of the bitterly fought battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for president.
election results 2016
election results
2016 election results

Unknown said...

election results 2016 On Nov. 8, millions of Americans will be glued to their TVs to see:
election results 2016 the outcome of the bitterly fought battle between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for president.
election results 2016
election results
2016 election results